ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2018. Vol. 24

Big Data in the Study of Young People Involvement in the Virtual «Religious Market»

O. F. Lobazova, G. Y. Nikiporets-Takigawa
The paper describes the methodology, structure, content and the preliminary results of the monitoring of the young people involvement in the virtual ‘religious market’ as a part of a project “Monitoring and preventive measures of the antisocial behaviour of young people based on big data and communication in social networks” conducted by a research group of the Faculty for Humanities of the Russian State Social University. The way the authors understand «religious market» was presented. Using the several criteria the distinction between the «white» and «black» segments of the market has been drawn. The authors bring forward the prospects of the analysis of the cyber-activity of young Russian citizens based on big data technologies and the original ‘Sociopolitical Insider’ system. The system allows monitoring social well-being and the attitudes of various population groups in social networks. The data obtained during the approbation of the monitoring model have been considered, and the prognosis has been made about the ‘windows of opportunities’ that are provided to the subjects of the virtual ‘religious market’ and the researchers of the trends in the religious sphere. The authors have come to a conclusion that positive outcome that different social actors can achieve using the results of the monitoring of the involvement of young people in the virtual ‘religious market’ can contribute to social cohesion and integration of the Russian society.
For citation:
Lobazova O.F., Nikiporets-Takigawa G.Y. Big Data in the Study of Young People Involvement in the Virtual «Religious Market». The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 64-77. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2018.24.64 (in Russian)
virtual «religious market», big data, social networks monitoring

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