ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

Author guidelines

  1. The journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Politologiya. Religiovedenie» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Political Science and Religion Studies») considers the manuscripts adhered to author guidelines provided below:
    • a manuscript that has been published or that is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere in either article or book form should not be submitted. The journal will not consider submissions that duplicate other published works in either wording or substance;
    • the article must be signed by the author, or by each author in case of co-authors contributing;
    • author’s biographical notes (both in Russian and English) should be also attached including name and surname, affiliation and position; academic degree, title; full postal address with postcode and email address, phone number for each author. In addition, the author needs to send the License agreement.
  2. Submission requirements:
    • the paper must be of high quality characterised by substantive interest and broad appeal, methodological rigour and conceptual clarity;
    • the percentage of the article originality when checking in the Anti-Plagiarism system should aim at 85 %;
    • the manuscript should not exceed 40 000 printed characters, including reference list, tables and up to 6 illustrations.
  3. The materials are submitted in an electronic form on izvestia_polit@isu.ru, or to the electronic editorial office (after pre-registration of authors).
  4. The manuscript must conform to the requirements below:
    • the UDC classification (in the upper left hand corner);
    • title (in bold and left justified), the author(s)’ initials and surname(s), affiliation(s) in Russian;
    • the abstract (150 words) and keywords in Russian;
    • main text;
    • full information about the author in Russian and English (surname, patronymic, name, scientific degree, scientific title, position, place of employment, full address with postal code, e-mail address, ORCID iD);
    • acknowledgments/ funding acknowledgments (if necessary) should appear as a footnote on the first page.
  5. The main text is formatted in A4 size and must be both left and right justified with the margins (left margin - 25 mm, right margin - 20 mm, top margin - 20 mm, bottom margin - 20 mm). It must be typed in 14 point Times New Roman font, with sesquialteral (1,5) line spacing. The paragraphs must be indented automatically throughout the text - 1,25 cm (space-indented or tab-indented paragraphs are unacceptable). Quotation marks («»), parenthesis ([ ], ( )), markers and other signs must be similar throughout the text. The words within a paragraph must be printed in a single space.
  6. The main text is followed by the reference list. The reference list conforms to the Russian State Standard 7.1-2003 on the bibliographic record, bibliographic description, general requirements and rules. The references are alphabetically arranged and are numbered. References are cited in the text by numbers corresponding to the reference list, the numbers are given in square brackets. References to books require pages.
  7. The author must cite to all the materials published and unpublished. The references to the published materials are given in the original language. The quotation must appear in the quotation marks and with the reference to the original source and its page (e.g.: [4, p. 15]).
  8. The reference list must be arranged only by the references cited in the text.
  9. The text must be automatically hyphenated (on the Tools menu, point to Language, and then click Hyphenation). Manual hyphenation is unacceptable.
  10. The tables must be prepared in automatic format (use the Insert tab, and then click on the Table button), rather than be drawn. The word «Table» should be ranged right above table, e.g.:

    Table 1



    Larger tables should be placed on a separate page or pages with indication Table 1 continuation or Table 1 ending, ranged in the upper right hand corner.

    Each table appears after citation to it (e.g.: table 1) and should have numerical and subject title. The width of the table must not exceed the text margins. It is not recommended to include a separate line «Measurements».

    The citation to the tables in the text are required. If the manuscript includes only one table, it will not have a numerical title. The table must not break the sentence, it should be placed after the paragraph. The second citation to the table requires: (See Table 1). When the sentence begins with the word «Table» this word is written in full. When it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence it should be cited to as a contract.

  11. The author is solely responsible for the paper content and style, as well as for the quality of abstract translation.
  12. One author can submit to one issue up to three papers, including co-author contributing.
  13. The article presented by the author is reviewed by an acknowledged expert in the reviewed subject matter (Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences), appointed by the editorial board of the issue. The reviews are kept in the publishing office and editorial board for five years and can be presented on request of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The editorial board can provide authors with copies of the reviews without reviewer’s signature, surname, position and workplace.
  14. Editors reserve the right to reject the papers, which fail to comply with the above rules.
  15. The editors provide authors with a reasonable rejection in manuscript publishing. Manuscripts that do not conform to the above requirements will not be returned to authors.
  16. The editors will not send to authors a corrected manuscript, and the further revise will be done according to the author’s final manuscript.
  17. The submission to the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Politologiya. Religiovedenie» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Political Science and Religion Studies») means that the author agrees with the instruction guide and permits the publication of the full paper in Internet and also gives the permission for personal data processing and publication in a media.
  18. Information about organizations recognized as terrorist (extremist) should be accompanied by an indication of their liquidation or prohibition of activities. Information about the activities of foreign agents should also be accompanied by an appropriate designation.