ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 49

Features of the Sufi Sheikh's Therapeutic Practice in the Late Medieval Transoxiana

L. E. Ismoilov, I. M. Abrorov
Miracles and miraculous deeds of the Sufi sheikh (auliyya), performed in various forms and types, are considered one of the important elements in Sufism. They show the Sufi sheikh as the God's chosen one and at the same time his holy nature. A key area of life where the miraculous deeds of a Sufi sheikh is more fully realized is the treatment of sick people from different social strata of the population. While treating their patients Sufi sheikhs did not particularly hide their material or other interests. They were especially intent on the treatment of representatives of the political and economic elite of society and in this matter they had an intense rivalry with other Sufi sheikhs for clients. This study is based on various Muslim hagiographic works (manaqib), such as “Ziya alkulub” (Radiance of hearts), “Lamahat min nafahat al-quds” (Reflections from the breath of holiness), devoted, in particular, to the life of famous Sufi sheikhs of 16th century in Maverannahr. They contain information about the healing of the sick by acclaimed Sufis. Regardless of whether the Sufi sheikhs had any medical knowledge, they possessed one undeniable quality: they had the gift of healing, so the sick came in crowds. In Islam, visiting a sick person, providing him with spiritual and material support and assistance is considered a charitable deed, as well as the duty of a Muslim. It is noteworthy that in the studied manakibs such a charitable deed is successfully combined with the miracles of Muslim saints in the field of healing practice.
About the Authors

Ismoilov Lutfullo Eshonovich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Department of Oriental, African and Islamic Studies, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, 18/1, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation, e-mail: ismoilov-62@mail.ru

Abrorov Ilyas Mukhrimkhonovich, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oriental, African and Islamic Studies, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, 18/1, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation e-mail: Ilyas-mukhrim@mail.ru

For citation

Ismoilov L.E., Abrorov I.M. Features of the Sufi Sheikh's Therapeutic Practice in the Late Medieval Transoxiana. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 184-191. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.49.184 (in Russian)

miracles, Sufism, Maverannahr, Sufi sheikh, manakib, medical practice, late medieval period.
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