ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 49

History of the Genesis and Development of Pentecostalism in Western Siberia

T. A. Savvateeva, N. S. Kondakova
The article is devoted to the history of Pentecostal spiritual awakening in Siberia, Russia. It includes information about the first missionaries from Belorussia and describes the further continuing of Pentecostal movement in Baikal region and its transformation till our time. The authors analyzed this period of time of 33 years, the difficulties which the church faced in the post-Soviet Union society. The information presented were taken from the Pentecostal church’s “Salvation in Christ” archive, local newspapers, the interviews with senior pastor of the church “Salvation in Christ” Chita. The arguments we have presented in the article prove that Pentecostal ministry have changed under the influence of Siberian native culture. The church has responded the people’s needs. That made this kind of Chistian faith so attractive for local residents. That’s why Pentecostal church remains the fastest growing Christian denomination in Russia. Research methods: diachronic, historical, dialectical.
About the Authors

Savvateeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Applicant, Department of Philosophy, Assistant, Department of History, Transbaikal State University, 46A, Petrovsko-Zavodskaya st., Chita, Russian Federation, 672039, e-mail: savvateeva.ta@gmail.com

Kondakova Natalya Sergeevna, Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Lecture, Transbaikal State University, 46A, Petrovsko-Zavodskaya st., Chita, Russian Federation, 672039, e-mail: ntlz@list.ru

For citation

Savvateeva T.A., Kondakova N.S. History of the Genesis and Development of Pentecostalism in Western Siberia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 138-150. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.49.138 (in Russian)

religion, Christianity, Pentecostal movement in Siberia, Pentecostal church.
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