ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 49

Demographic and Migration Processes of the Far East Through the Prism of the “Turn to the East”

E. V. Gamerman
This article is devoted to current and pressing problems of demography, the decline in the population of the Far East, as well as the migration processes that occur in this macroregion and how they affect the overall situation. All this is considered in the context of the modern foreign policy situation, and the beginning of the “Turn to the East” process, which, according to the author, is impossible without solving the demographic problem. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the role and influence of modern demographic and migration processes in the Far East on the modern foreign policy vector, to trace their interdependence and interdependence. Structurally, the article consists of an Introduction, a main part (where basic data and statistics are presented) and a Conclusion. The author comes to the conclusion that the Russian “Turn to the East”, which has been implemented over the past few years, has encountered a very important and complex problem – the problem of depopulation and active migration processes in the Far East, without solving which it will be impossible to achieve any serious results in social the economic development of the macroregion will be very difficult, and without this, attempts to diversify foreign policy efforts to the countries of the East are also doomed to failure.
About the Authors
Gamerman Evgenii Vyacheslavovich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS, 4, Sholom Aleichem st., Birobidzhan, 679016, Russian Federation, e-mail: egamerman@mail.ru
For citation

Gamerman E.V. Demographic and Migration Processes of the Far East through the Prism of the “Turn to the East”. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 22-33. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.49.22 (in Russian)

demography, migration, Far East, “Turn to the East”.
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Full text (russian)