ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 48

Problems and Findings of Deputies of the "Dashing" 90s: On the 30th Anniversary of the People's Hural of the Republic of Buryatia

А. D. Karnyshev
A special problem in the work of deputies of regional parliaments of the "dashing 90s" was the constant lack of budget funds for vital social programs, education and health care. The nonpayment of salaries for several months, primarily to teachers and doctors, was difficult to overcome; the unfair privatization of public and state property, the real events of the consequences of the war in Chechnya of 1994-1998, unbridled crime, etc. A special Khural laboratory was established in the structure of the National Academy of Sciences and operated throughout the first convocation. The surveys allowed us to better understand people's psychology, their specific daily aspirations, diagnose their mood and attitude to emerging situations. A truthful and honest diagnosis of public opinion made it possible in some cases to make decisions and legislative acts consistent with the situation. At the fourth session, the symbols of the republic – the coat of arms and the anthem – were adopted, the work on the preparation of projects of which took a long time. Deputies of the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia managed to hold two parliamentary hearings in Ulan-Ude together with deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: on the draft law "On Lake Baikal" (1994) and "On the plan of priority measures for the implementation of the concept of State National Policy of the Russian Federation" (1996). In both hearings, they adopted The participation of "neighbors": deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region, representatives of the administration of the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.
About the Authors
Karnyshev Alexander Dmitrievich, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head, Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Psychological, Economic and Cross-cultural Studies, Institute of Social Sciences, Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation e-mail: ale3441@yandex.ru
For citation

Karnyshev А.D. Problems and Findings of Deputies of the “Dashing” 90s: On the 30th Anniversary of the People's Hural of the Republic of Buryatia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 48, pp. 28-40. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.48.28 (in Russian)

equal branches of government, parliamentary hearings, adoption of laws, sociopsychological laboratory, local government, interethnic harmony.
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