ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 47

Egoism as a Manifestation of Man's Antipathy to God

E. F. Kazakov, T. I. Gritskevich, L. Y. Logunova
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern culture, contrary to centuriesold tradition, the concept of “egoism” often has a neutral or even positive meaning. There is a substitution of concepts when individualism, or hedonism, is called egoism. The purpose of the article is to give a stricter definition of the concept of “egoism”. For this purpose, the tasks of comparative analysis of the meanings of single-order concepts bearing synonymy (“I want”, “egoism”, “individualism”, “self-will”, “narcissism”), as well as antonymous (“altruism”, “love”, “self-sacrifice”, “obedience”, “conciliarity”) meanings are solved. The authors proceed from Christian ideas that are most adequate to the national culture. The theoretical and methodological basis was the ideas of Russian (primarily religious) philosophy: the concepts of conciliarity, love, God-humanity, solidarity as the driving force of evolution. Methods of comparative analysis and content-semantic interpretation were used. The material for the study was the texts of Holy Scripture, as well as works of literature and art, which provided illustrative material to substantiate the formulated provisions. It is concluded that in the modern era of the triumph of individualism, growing egoistic intentions lead to the emergence of egoism, which turns a person into an antipode Creator.
About the Authors

Kazakov Evgeny Fedorovich, Doctor of Scieces (Cultural Studies), Professor, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kemerovo State University, 6, Krasnaya st., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail: kemcitykazakov@mail.ru

Gritskevich Tatiana Igorevna, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kemerovo State University, 6, Krasnaya st., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail: taigree@yandex.ru

Logunova Larisa Yurievna, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociological Sciences, Kemerovo State University, 6, Krasnaya st., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail: vinsky888@mail.ru

For citation
Kazakov E.F., Gritskevich T.I., Logunova L.Y. Egoism as a Manifestation of Man's Antipathy to God. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 47, pp. 147-157. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.47.147 (in Russian)
man, God, Christianity, egoism, altruism, love, egoteism.
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