ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2023. Vol 46

Peru's International Cooperation to Ensure Human Security and Russia's Place in It

A. S. Smirnova
The article is devoted to consider the types of Peru's cooperation to ensure human security in the country. The purpose of the study is to analyze the interaction of the republic with international actors both in the Latin American region and beyond, as well as to build prospects for cooperation between Peru and Russia and advantages for the latter. The first part of the work examines Peru's foreign policy to ensure human security in the country, reveals three areas of cooperation: with international organizations, with the countries of the region and the countries of the world. The article provides data on programs conducted in Peru by international organizations under the auspices of the United Nations. When considering cooperation in the region, attention is paid to three types of cooperation in which the republic participates (North-South cooperation, South-South cooperation and trilateral cooperation). The author focuses on the desire of Latin American countries to regionalize and provides up-to-date information on the last two types of cooperation with the participation of Peru. Special attention is paid to cooperation with Japan, as one of the sponsors that promotes human security in the country. Cooperation between Russia and Peru is also reflected in the article. Having analyzed the process of establishing cooperation between the countries, the author describes possible points of interaction in the current international situation of Russia. Based on the Concept of Russia's foreign policy, the author suggests areas of cooperation with Peru and justifies their prospects. The results of the study are seen as conclusions about the strong integration of Peru into the systems of international cooperation and its focus on ensuring human security; promising areas of cooperation between Russia and Peru in the framework of ensuring human security.
About the Authors
Smirnova Anastasia Sergeevna, Junior Researcher, Research Department (Military-Humanitarian Studies), Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevskiy, 14, Bolshaya Sadovaya st., Moscow, 125047, Russian Federation, Postgraduate, Department of Political Sciences, Moscow State Linguistic University, 38, Ostozhenka st., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation, e-mail: smirnova.nastya.2021@bk.ru
For citation
Smirnova A.S. Peru's International Cooperation to Ensure Human Security and Russia's Place in It. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2023, vol. 46, pp. 38-54. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2023.46.38 (in Russian)
Peru, cooperation, Latin American region, human security, Russia.
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Full text (russian)