ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 42

Ideological Framework of Ethno-Confessional Policy in the North Caucasus and the Syncretization of Islam

A. V. Britvin, M. V. Kozlov
The problem of creating optimal harmonious state-religious relations in the North Caucasus region was one of the main in the historical period of Russia. It also has a high significance in modern Russian public discourse. The authors based on the analysis of the provisions of the Holy Books in religious and political scientific works, and used the methods of functionalism and system analysis. The authors of the article argue the thesis that the uniqueness of Russia lies not only in a special historical and geographical location, in the combination of the qualities of the West and the East, but also in the development of religious traditions. National tradition and culture’s consideration of all large territory of Russia, its ethnic and religious components, is the guarantee of greatness of the country. In this regard, the model of state-religious relations in the concept of partnership between the state and religious organizations must be based on the constitutional foundations, on the principles of severalty, non-intervention and equidistance of religious organizations from the state. In conditions of religious and political syncretism, this model must be based on optimal partnerships and strengthening social and political stability in the region.
About the Authors

Britvin Aleksey Valentinovich, Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskiy ave., Moscow, 115404, Russian Federation, e-mail: britvin.av-post@mail.ru

Kozlov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Program Administrator of the Faculty of International Regional Studies and Regional Administration of the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskiy ave., Moscow, 115404, Russian Federation, e-mail: mv.kozlov@igsu.ru

For citation
Britvin A.V., Kozlov M.V. Ideological Framework of Ethno-Confessional Policy in the North Caucasus and the Syncretization of Islam. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 42, pp. 42- 50. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.42.42 (in Russian)
religious and political syncretism, Dagestan, Chechnya, Islam, national policy, dominant ideology.
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