ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2018. Vol. 26

Remote Areas of Eastern Siberia: Authority in the Eyes of Local Citizens

V. N. Veselova, A. A. Tcherenev

The author has provided the assessment of the political activity of the population based on sociological surveys and data from central election commissions. The analysis of the information obtained revealed the attitude of local residents to the modern system of local self-government and the degree of satisfaction with the work of municipal authorities in the northern remote areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, and Republic of Buryatia. The study included the analysis of the requirements to local government bodies. The results obtained have exposed the crisis in the system of “authority – citizens” relations and the need to improve the efficiency of management at the municipal level.

About the Authors

Veselova Victoria Nikolaevna, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Senior Researcher, V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, 1, Ulan-Batorskaya st., Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(3952)422700, e-mail: veselova@irigs.irk.ru 

Tcherenev Aleksei Anatol'evich, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Researcher, V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, 1, Ulan-Batorskaya st., Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(3952)422700, e-mail: tcherenev@irigs.irk.ru

For citation

Veselova V. N., Tcherenev A. A. Remote Areas of Eastern Siberia: Authority in the Eyes of Local Citizens. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies. 2018, vol. 26, pp. 70-79. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2018.26.70 (in Russian)

local self-government, political activity of the local population, Siberia, remote areas
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