ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 49

Naval Cooperation between Russia and China During Geopolitical Tensions in the World

I. K. Kharichkin, M. E. Navdaeva
The article focuses on the role of naval cooperation between Russia and China in the context of geopolitical tensions between global actors. In recent years, Russian and Chinese relations with the United States of America have gradually deteriorated, as the USA considers Russia and China a threat to its status in the world. Trying to maintain its dominant positions, the United States implements a policy of containment using a variety of tools: it manipulates the status of Taiwan, interferes in territorial disputes in the South China Sea, creates and promotes military alliances such as AUKUS and Quad, and expands NATO. These actions have a negative impact on the regional and global maritime order as they lead to the increase of tensions between the states. In this regard, Russia and China are developing naval cooperation, which includes such aspects as meetings of highranking military officials, military-technical cooperation, and naval exercises. Since Russia and China in total possess the biggest naval fleets, their actions can help demonstrate the aggregate naval power and change the balance of sea power in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as transform the world maritime order into a more multipolar and fair one for Russia and China.
About the Authors

Kharichkin Igor Konstantinovich, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Political Science, Moscow State Linguistic University, 38, Ostozhenka st., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation, e-mail: harichkin@starlink.ru

Navdaeva Maria Evgenievna, Postgraduate, Department of Political Science, Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication in the Sphere of Media, Moscow State Linguistic University, 38, Ostozhenka st., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation, e-mail: navdayka6848@list.ru

For citation

Kharichkin I.K., Navdaeva M.E. Naval Cooperation between Russia and China during Geopolitical Tensions in the World. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 55-73. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.49.55 (in Russian)

world order, international maritime order, World Ocean, Russian-Chinese naval cooperation, Russian-Chinese relations, Asia-Pacific region, global and regional security, hegemony.
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