ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2023. Vol 46

The Difference of Approaches in the Study of the Phenomenology of the Sacred in the Conditions of Postsecular Time

A. A. Kartashov
This study includes the search for new ways to understand the phenomenon of the sacred and its impact on the social sphere based on a comparison of selected philosophical concepts of certain authors, revealing the insufficiency of positivist interpretations, the most popular in the practice of the era of secularism. Since the rational projects of Modern times have failed to resolve the internal contradictions of humanity and deprive it of its craving for the irrational, today researchers and analysts are paying more and more attention to the study of the sacred. In this article, having analyzed various philosophical interpretations, we will try to substantiate the spiritual dominant of the sacred phenomenon, prevailing over its positivist interpretations. At present, when the scientific paradigm overcomes the secular format, and the status of a sociologist is no longer replaced by the status of a theologian, for the study of religion as a phenomenon of reality, and not a phenomenon of society, an opportunity opens up to take a fresh look at the real reason for the formation of society from the sacred. This study, through comparative analysis, reveals the limitations of an exclusively sociological view of the sacred and the need to expand the framework in its cognition by shifting the focus to the superintelligent beginning. The latter will allow, in the conditions of post-secular time, to fully and fully explore not only the sphere of the sacred itself, but also its influence on the development of society precisely in the root cultural and historical aspect, in addition to applied ideological falsification.
About the Authors
Kartashov Alexei Aleksandrovich, Postgraduate, Department of social philosophy, ethics and Religious Studies, Kazan Innovation University named after V. G. Timiryasov, 42, Moscow st., Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation e-mail: alexei.kartashov.2017@mail.ru
For citation
Kartashov A.A. The Difference of Approaches in the Study of the Phenomenology of the Sacred in the Conditions of Postsecular Time. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2023, vol. 46, pp. 145– 153. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2023.46.145 (in Russian)
sacred, social, secularity, post-secularism, transcendental, rational, religious, profane.
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