ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2023. Vol 43

Digitalization of Religious Space: A Philosophical View of the Problem

M. N. Fomina, N. A. Emikh
The article attempts a philosophical analysis of the digitalization of religious space in the conditions of the «new reality». The emphasis is placed on the fact that the conditions provoked by the pandemic crisis contributed to the rapprochement of human religious life and virtual space. It is argued that a new reflection, forming a new picture of human existence within the boundaries of religious culture, arose as a result of a partial or complete loss of a person's traditional habitual level of communication. The article also gives the author's definition of religious space as a space of religious culture, within the boundaries of which the interaction of a person's religious being (religious life) and digital communication (virtual space) is seen. In the conditions of modern society, the problems and processes occurring within the boundaries of religious space are revealed through the prism of digitalization, transforming the field of communicative relations, which acquire a new meaning. The conclusion is presented that in religious culture there is a new style of communication at the level of digital communication, embedded in the religious being (religious life) of a person, where a person in his traditional appeal to God begins to see the possibility of a different form of interaction, i.e. through online resources. In this regard, it is noted that a new type of communication is being formed within the boundaries of the religious space, introduced by digital technologies.
About the Authors

Fomina Marina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Trans-Baikal State University, 30, Alexandro-Zavodskaya st., Chita, 672039, Russian Federation, e-mail: marf_05@mail.ru

Emikh Natalia Alexandrovna, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Trans-Baikal State University, 30, Alexandro-Zavodskaya st., Chita, 672039, Russian Federation, e-mail: natali_emikh@mail.ru

For citation
Fomina M. N., Emikh N. A. Digitalization of Religious Space: a Philosophical View of the Problem. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2023, vol. 43, pp. 116-123. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073- 3380.2023.43.116 (in Russian)
religious space, digitalization, «new reality», religious culture, human existence, digital communication.
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