ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 41

The Charity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Healthсare: Ethical Standards from the Origins to the Beginning of the 21th Century

E. A. Sipyagina, M. V. Kozlov
The narrative of the article lies in the important role of the charitable activities of Orthodoxy in maintaining health and healthy lifestyle propaganda among the population of Russia. The authors argue that the church has a successful history of creating charitable organizations, including those, which providing medical care. The article implements the task of scientifically establishing the interaction between the healthcare system of Russia and the religious institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church, the role of these institutions, including charitable organizations, in the historical context and in the structure of healthcare in Russia.
About the Authors

Sipyagina Elena Alexandrovna, Coordinator, Charitable Foundation “Life as a Miracle”, 13/1, Palikh st., Moscow, 127055, Russian Federation, e-mail: sipyag@mail.ru

Kozlov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Candidate of Sciences (Political Science), Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskij av., Moscow, 115404, Russian Federation, e-mail: mv.kozlov@igsu.ru

For citation
Sipyagina E.A., Kozlov M.V. The Charity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Healthсare: Ethical Standards from the Origins to the Beginning of the 21th Century. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 41, pp. 78-88. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.41.78 (in Russian)
temple-hospitals, church hospitals, almshouses, the sisters of mercy, church charity, Russian healthcare.
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