ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 41

Military and Defensive Function of the Nerchinsk Assumption Men’s Monastery (to the History of the Nerchinskaya Church of Assumption)

E. S. Bushueva
The article is timed to coincide with three significant dates in Russian history – the 800th anniversary of the birth of Prince Alexander Nevsky, the 170th anniversary of the formation of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army, and the 315th anniversary of the signing of the imperial decree on the founding of a supernumerary Uspensky monastery near the Nerchinsk prison. The article introduces the military-defensive function of the monastery. A description of the strategically advantageous location of the wooden prison building of the Assumption monastery is given. The story is about experienced Cossack explorers, who took monastic vows in their old age, and made up a serious fighting force of the monastery-fortress. The use of historicism as the main methodological principle of research made it possible to find and analyze a large volume of previously unpublished manuscript historical documents from the archives of Chita, Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, with their subsequent introduction into scientific circulation.
About the Authors
Bushueva Elena Sergeevna, Senior Lecturer, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov st., Irkutsk, 664074, Russian Federation, e-mail: tserkov1712spasite@yandex.ru
For citation
Bushueva E.S. Military and Defensive Function of the Nerchinsk Assumption Men’s Monastery (to the History of the Nerchinskaya Church of Assumption). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 41, pp. 71-77. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.41.71 (in Russian)
Nerchinsky Assumption Monastery, monastery-fortress, Siberian “standing” prison, warrior monks, icon of the blessed prince-monk Alexander Nevsky, royal gift, strategic location.
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