ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 40

The Ethno-Religious Roots of the Syrian Alawites

E. А. Krivets
The article examines the religious features of the Alawite religion and briefly describes the religious situation in Iran in the 3rd – 9th centuries. By the comparative characteristic of religious and political currents in Iran in the 9th century the author has come to the conclusion that the ancestral home of the Alawites was the land of Caucasian Albania or Arran. The above conclusions are supported by the ethnic factor as the political activity of ethnic groups and the territories they occupy in Iran. In addition, the author considers other factors that confirm the correctness of determining the origin lands of the Alawite tribes.
About the Authors
Krivets Elena Аlekseevna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Department of Comparative Culturology, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 12, Rozhdestvenka st., Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation, e-mail: vhelena2016@yandex.ru
For citation
Krivets E.А. The Ethno-Religious Roots of the Syrian Alawites. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 40, pp. 71-83. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.40.71 (in Russian)
religion, Syria, Iran, alawites, Arran.
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