ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 39

The Institutionalization of Business-Government Relations in Latin America

A. R. Zakirov, A. R. Zaripova
The institutionalization of business-government relations has acquired a global character and has spread not only in the developed Western countries but in Latin America too. Informal practices are being replaced by the formalization of lobbying in business-government relations. Using the example of Chile and Peru, which were among the first in the region to embark on the path of forming an open and transparent system of business-government relations, this article analyzes the legal regulating of lobbying. The subject of comparative analysis is the lobbying laws is these states. The features of formal lobbying institutionalization are identified on the basis of the following criteria: interpretation of lobbying and lobbying activities, subjects and objects of lobbying, requirements for actors, ways and opportunities for their communication, and sanctions for non-compliance with these norms.
About the Authors

Zakirov Aydar Robertovich, Candidate of Sciences (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications, Kazan Federal University, 18, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation, e-mail: azr12353@gmail.com

Zaripova Aigul Raisovna, Candidate of Sciences (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Institute of Social and Philosophical, Sciences and Mass Communications, Kazan Federal University, 18, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation, e-mail: aigulrzaripova@gmail.com

For citation
Zakirov A.R., Zaripova A.R. The Institutionalization of Business-Government Relations in Latin America. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 39, pp. 92-100. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.39.92 (in Russian)
lobbying, interest groups, institutionalization, Chile, Peru, Latin America.
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