ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 39

Sociocultural Dynamics of the Value Orientations of Athletes in the Context of Youth Policy

I. L. Biryukov, L. L. Denisova, A. D. Pokhilko
Realising national strategies and projects aimed at various social groups, it is necessary to take a new level of understanding of the nationwide idea expressing the interests of new generations. Making the national priorities of state policy meaningful for various youth groups seems to be impossible without a targeted system of patriotic education, value education and certain cultural identity. The ideas of patriotism, spirituality, and cultural identification occupy a special place in all priority spheres of a society in educational work with young people. They are manifested at the junction of integral and border disciplines – political theology, sports policies and sports philosophy.
About the Authors

Вiryukov Igor Leonidovich, Postgraduate Student, Lecturer, Department of Physical Culture and Medical and Biological Disciplines, Armavir State Pedagogical University, 159, Rose Luxembourg st., Armavir, 352900, Russian Federation, e-mail: biirukoff26@gmail.com

Denisova Larisa Leonidovna, Candidate of Sciences (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Humanitarian Studies, Armavir State Pedagogical University, 159, Rose Luxembourg st., Armavir, 352900, Russian Federation, e-mail: lara28.01.72@gmail.com

Pokhilko Alexander Dmitrievich, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Humanitarian Studies, Armavir State Pedagogical University, 159, Rose Luxembourg st., Armavir, 352900, Russian Federation, e-mail: nauka2007-2008@mail.ru

For citation
Biryukov I.L., Denisova L.L., Pokhilko A.D. Sociocultural Dynamics of the Value Orientations of Athletes in the Context of Youth Policy. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 39, pp. 71-83. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.39.71 (in Russian)
Russian youth, national priorities, patriotism, spirituality, political culture, values of youth, political theology, sports spirituality, sports policy.
32.019.52: 323.21:796.011.2
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