ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2022. Vol 39

The Determinants of the Emergence and Development of the Bulgarian National Geopolitical Conscience

A. A. Kovalevskiy
The article analyzes cultural and historical determinants of the formation of the Bulgarian national geopolitical conscience; these include Turkish, Russian and Macedonian complexes, with the European one to have recently been added. The author argues that external perception of Bulgaria has had a significant impact on the development of the Bulgarian national geopolitical conscience, notably if to take into consideration involvement of intellectual elites and general public of major foreign powers into the Bulgarian national liberation movement. In this respect, attention has been drawn to foreign ethnographic maps, which in the view of Bulgarians are an important argument for providing a rationale for the national geopolitical ideal of “Great Bulgaria”.
About the Authors
Kovalevskiy Alexander Alexandrovich, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Philosophy, Sevastopol State University, 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol, 299053, Russian Federation, e-mail: ilabian.org@gmail.com
For citation
Kovalevskiy A. A. The Determinants of the Emergence and Development of the Bulgarian National Geopolitical Conscience. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2022, vol. 39, pp. 56-70. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2022.39.56 (in Russian)
Bulgaria, national geopolitical conscience, Turkish complex, Russian complex, Macedonian complex, European complex, Russophilia and Russophobia, ethnographic maps of’ resettlement of Bulgarians.
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