ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2021. Vol. 37

Revisiting the Problem of the Relationship between the Renovationist and “Gregorian” Church Structures in Eastern Siberia in 1926–1934

S. S. Kulpinov

The article analyzes the relationship between the renovationist and «Gregorian» church structures in Eastern Siberia in 1926-1934. The article examines the position of the central and local structures of the Provisional supreme church council in relation to renovationism, as well as the view of the renovationist Holy Synod on the «gregorian» schism in the Russian Orthodox Church. The article analyzes the information about the structures of the PSCC in the materials of the renovationist dioceses in Eastern Siberia, and also examines switching of the clergy and communities from the renovationism to the “gregorian” schism and vice versa in Eastern Siberia. The author came to the conclusion that in Eastern Siberia the “gregorian” schism did not pose a significant threat to renovationism, therefore, contacts were restricted to acceptance of the clergy and communities, as well as pronouncement of the status of the PSCC structures and the departure of communities and clerics to them.

About the Authors

Kulpinov Sergey Sergeevich, Doctor of Divinity, Deacon, Archivist Irkutsk Diocesan Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church, 14 Angarskaya st., Irkutsk, 664001, Russian Federation, e-mail: agnus.dei@rambler.ru

For citation

Kulpinov S.S. Revisiting the Problem of the Relationship between the Renovationist and “Gregorian” Church Structures in Eastern Siberia in 1926–1934. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2021, vol. 37, pp. 100–111. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2021.37.100 (in Russian)

renovationist schism, “gregorian” schism, Provisional supreme church council, renovationist Holy Synod, ESRMCA, “metropolitan” Dimitri (Belikov), “metropolitan” Alexander Vvedensky, “archbishop” Vasily Makushev.
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