ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2020. Vol. 31

Common and Individual in the Discourse of Rene Guenon

R. A. Zobkov

The article deals with the metaphysical and ontological structure of Rene Guenon's discourse, epistemological levels of cognition in his system, and his categorical apparatus: transcendental characteristics, universals, categories. The system-structural analysis of metaphysical, ontological and anthropological levels showed that special epistemological levels of cognition correspond to metaphysical and ontological levels. The system-structural analysis of metaphysical, ontological and anthropological levels showed that metaphysical and ontological levels were consistent with specific epistemological levels of knowledge. At the level of structure they relate to the transcendental characteristics, and in the Guenon's system belong to universals. Their correlation with anthropological levels reveals such states of anthropological structure as a “universal” and “transcendental” man. The system-structural analysis revealed the relationships of manifestationism and realism in matters of universals and the problem of correlation between “nothing” and “not-being” in creationism and manifestationism. With the help of the hermeneutic method, the connotations and correlation of a “universal” man with an individual man have been clarified in terms of the correlation of “personality” and “individuality”. The system-structural analysis revealed the relationship between realism and nominalism on the issue of a universal of “man” and soteriology and teleology of a person. With the help of historical-genetic method the historical origin of Guenon's ideas has been traced, their comparative correlation has been carried out. System-structural and comparative methods reveal identical structures in the systems that Guenon makes the basis for his synthetic doctrine. To clarify the connotations and structure of his discourse, hermeneutic and dialectical methods have been used thus determining the objects of his criticism. The author has come to the following conclusions: the system of Rene Guenon is an attempt of the synthetic Platonic discourse of manifestationism standing on a realist position concerning universals and a unique type of humanism and anthropocentrism that is based on the structure of a “universal man”. Guenon's discourse is a presumable metanarrative, a common language of religious traditions, a kind of the return of an updated version of neo-Platonism. The relevance of the article has been justified by a current dispute about the essence of man, both within religious traditions, and between clerical segments and trans-humanism as well.

About the Authors

Zobkov Roman Aleksandrovich, Postgraduate, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation, e-mail: zobkovroman@yandex.ru

For citation

Zobkov R.A. Common and Individual in the Discourse of Rene Guenon. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2020, vol. 31, pp. 66-79. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2020.31.66 (in Russian)

integral traditionalism, Rene Guenon, anthropology, personality, individuality, transcendental characteristics, categories, universals, Soi, Moi, “universal man”, transhumanism
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