ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2010. Vol. 2

Ideological and Political Orientation of Exiled and Local Social Democrats Associations of Tomsk in 1907–1917-s

S. P. Isachkin

The article concerns the research of Tomsk Social Democrats political orientation in 1907–1917. The author concludes that it's hard to give a unique determination of ideological character of movement owing to backwardness of social relations and heterogeneity of a political exile.

ideological and political orientation, Social Democrats, political exiles, historiography, Tomsk

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15. Chugunov M. I. antiwar leaflets in Tomsk on the eve of February bourgeoisdemocratic revolution // From the history of Siberian socio-economic and political life. At the and of XIX century – 1918-s. Tomsk, 1976. P. 202–203.

16. Ibid., 204, 205.

17. The State Archive of the Russian Federation (SARF), F. D. P. OO. 1916. Doc. 65. Part. 81. Let. B. P. 2.

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