ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2011. Vol. 2

Eurasianism on the National Issue Significance

V. I. Shamshurin

The article deals with the issue of a person in politics and law within the philosophic and political discourse. The paper examines Slavophil and Byzantine traditions in the context of geopolitical conception of Eurasianism as meta-project. Grounding on the analysis of the macro-methodological approaches, the article considers stratification problems of modernization. Their effectiveness is being claimed under the condition of ethical and world-view parameters are taken into account.

Eurasianism, politics, Russian culture, modernization, Pan-Germanism, Pan-Slavism

1. Berdyaev N. А. Evrasijstvo (Eurasianism) // Put’. – 1925. – N 1.

2. Vernadskiy G. V. Nachertanie russkoi istorii (Outline of Russian History) / G. V. Vernadskiy. – М., 2004.

3. Guiliarov-Platonov N. P. Pismo kn. Shakhovskomu (A letter to Count Shakhovskiy) 2.02.1886 // Russkiy arkhiv. – 1889. – Т. 3.

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6. Karsavin L. P. Otvet na statju N. A. Berdyaeva ob evraziitsah (Reply to the N. А. Berdyaev's article about the Eurasians) // Put’ – 1926. – N 2.

7. Lermontov М. J. Collected works. Т. 4 / М. J. Lermontov. – М., 1958.

8. Rar А. Е. ES stanet glavnym partnerom Rossii (EU will become Russia’s main partner) // Izvestiya. – 2005. – 16 sent. (№ 207).

9. Smolin М. B. Vseobiemlushchiy ideal Lva Tikhomirova (All-embracing ideal of Lev Tikhomirov) // Tikhomirov L. А. Religioznofilosofskiye osnovy istorii. – М., 2004.

10. Tikhomirov L. А. О Verе i Tserkvi v gosudarstve (On Faith and Church in a State) // Moskovskiye vedomosti. – 1912. – N 161. July 12.

11. Trubetskoy G. N. Otvet na pismo evrazijtsev (A reply to the Eurasianists' letter) // Put’. – 1926. – N 2.

12. Frolovskiy G. V. «Оkamenennoe bezchuvstvie» (on the polemics against the Eurasianism) // Put’. – 1926. – N 2.

13. Frolovskiy G. V. Vechnoye i prekhodyashcheye v uchenii russkih slavyanofilov // Frolovsky G. V. Christianstvo i tsivilizatsii. Izbrannye trudy po bogosloviju i filosofii. – SPb., 2005.

14. Frank S. L. Russkoнe mirovozzrenie (Russian world-view) / S. L. Frank. – SPb., 1996.

15. Shakhovskoy N. V. N. P. Gilarov-Platonov and K. S. Aksakov // Russkoye obozreniye. –1895. – N 12.

16. Collingwood R. G. The New Leviathan or man, society, civilization and barbarism / R. G. Collingwood. Oxford, 1942. See Russian translation, partially given in the supplement to.: Shamshurin V. I. Konservatizm i svoboda. – Krasnodar, 2003.

Full text (russian)