ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2014. Vol. 10

“Russiatown” in the Center of Beijing: Russian Ethnization of the Eastern Market

Ia. S. Guzei

The article is devoted to analyzing the issue related to the ethnization mechanisms of the market area. The task is to analyse the way the “market ethnicity” is constructed, how it is marked in public space and what means and methods are used. Yabaolu, a big wholesale and retail market located in Beijing which and traditionally seen as the “Russian market,” was chosenas the case for the research study. Being unique in many aspects but under-researched, it is a utility object where not only ethnicity exists, but is actively manifested, shaping certain semanticcodes of its perception. This feature has made the Yabaolu market one of the most interesting examples of ethnic markets. The market on Yabao Street was founded in 1988. During the twenty years of its existence, it has been transformed from a small street market into a huge center of international trade. Its contemporary area is extended beyond the bounds of Yabao street and occupies a vast space around Ritan park. Domination of businessmen and tourists from Russia among the customers of Yabaolu has determined the general orientation of the market in the 1990’s making this market for Russians “their own”. Russian is the “official” language of Yabaolu:it is used for most of commercial transactions it acts as the main system of attribution of the market area and is also the main language used for advertisement. Russian performs not only the communicative function, but also forms symbolic, informational field of the market. The general picture of “Russian” Yabaolu is completed by visual advertisement and decorative appearance of utility objects, in which one can find distinctive determination to use Russian symbolism. Large quantity of Russian-speaking customers also sets the symbolic field of Yabaolu as “Russian”. Initially established as the area designated exclusively for trade transactions, it has gradually become a meeting place for Russians, who permanently reside in Beijing. The sum of various markers defines the perception of Yabaolu as specifically “Russian market”. Labeling of the market space is mainly based on stereotypical image of Russia in China. At the same time, ethnicity plays a serious role here and is formed more purposefully, rather than naturally. For the salesmen of Yabaolu, ethnicity is an intangible good. Decorating and advertising the market as “Russian,” its administration intends to attract a larger number of buyers. Precisely the commercial advantage forces the staff to mark the space in Russian style that is why does Yabaolu`s ethnic aureole not merely exist: it is also actively maintained and marketed.

market, Yabaolu, Beijing, urban space, ethnization, russification, symbolic field

Full text (russian)