ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2012. Vol. 1

Tsarist Government Policy on the Issue of Peasant Colonization of the Transbaikal Region at the Beginning of the XXth C.

Ch. G. Andreyev

The article deals with the issue of peasant colonization of the Transbaikal region in the early XXth c. The author examines various government approaches towards population of the Transbaikal region, the process of peasant colonization, the social structure of resettlers, the results of resettling by 1917.

resettling, land-arranging, colonization fund, lands, resettling areas

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7. Complete set of Laws. Vol. 27. N 3059.

8. The Russian State Historical Archive (RSHA). F. 391. Inv. 3. Doc. 1088. P. 3, 13, 23, 220–224, 228, 243 Inv. 3. Doc. 1683. P. 4 Inv. 4. Doc. 462. P. 51, 57–59.

9. The Russian State Historical Archive (RSHA). F. 468. Inv. 23. Doc. 1203. P. 114.

10. Solovieva E. I. The tsarism resettling policy during the period of Stolypin agrarian reform // Materials on the history of Siberia. Siberia of the capitalism period. – Novosibirsk : the Publishing house “Nauka”. Siberian branch, 1967. – Issue 3. – P. 190–200.

11. Reference book for footmessangers and resettlers for 1911 year – SPb. : the Printing house “Selskogo vestnika”, 1911. – 57 p.

12. Tyukavkin V. G. Carrying out “a new course” of resettling policy in the Eastern Siberia in 1911–1914s // Scientific reports of higher school. Historical Sciences. – 1958. – N 4. – P. 38–54.

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15. Chirkin G. F. Resettling and landarranging in the Transbaikal region / G. F. Chirkin. – SPb. : the Publishing house of the Migration Department, 1909. – 112 p.

Full text (russian)