ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2012. Vol. 1

Suburbs of Ulan-Ude and Migration Processes in the Post-Soviet Buryatia: the Transformation of Settlements and Local Communities

A. S. Breslavskiy

The article reveals the role of migration processes in transformation of suburban settlements in the post-soviet Ulan-Ude. The author focuses on analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of local communities, as well as on a problem of interaction between migrants and municipal authority.

migration processes, suburban settlements, Ulan-Ude, local communities

1. Breslavskiy A. S. Rural-Urban Migration in the Post-Soviet Buryatia: Settelment Practices in Ulan-Ude // Migrations and Diasporas in Sociocultural, Political and Economic Area of Siberia. At the turns of the XIXth–XXth and the XXth–XXIst C. / ed. by V. I. Dyatlov. – Irkutsk: Print, 2010. – P. 132–155.

2. Budayeva C. B. Migration of population throughout the national changes // the «Buryatia». – 2002. – November, 1. – P. 4.

3. Karbainov N. I. “Nahalovka” of Ulan-Ude: no man's land, Wrong Shamans and the Right to a City // Aginskaya Street, Fire Dance and Aluminum Arrows: Appropriation of Cultural Landscapes / V. N. Davidov [and others]. – Khabarovsk : Khabarovsk scientific center of FED of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006. – P. 129–154.

4. The Concept of Territorial Development of City District «Ulan-Ude City» up to 2025 with Increasing Population to 700 Thousand Persons [On-line resource]. – URL: www.ulan-ude-eg.ru/news/for_news/2010.11.19/D01.doc.

5. Kosmarskaya N. P. Urban Studies // Anthropological forum. – SPb. : MAE of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2010. – N 12. – P. 76.

6. Brief information on the Tarbagataiskiy District of Buryat Republic on 8.1.2009 [On-line resource]. – URL: http://www.tarbagatay.burnet.ru/official/101/ .

7. Official Site of the Zaigraevskiy District [On-line resource]. – URL: http://www.admzgr.e-baikal.ru .

8. Official Site of the Ivolguinskiy District [On-line resource]. – URL: http://www.ivolginsk.info.

9. Official Site of the Tarbagataiskiy District [On-line resource]. – URL: http://www.tarbagatay.burnet.ru.

10. The List of Settlements of Municipal Districts of Buryat Republic [On line resource]. – URL: http://www.minpriroda-rb.ru/content/-nas_punkt.php?SECTION_ID=571.

11. The Program of Social and Economic Development of Rural Settlement «Nizhneivolguinskoye» for 2008–2010s and for the Period up to 2017 [On-line resource]. – URL: http://www.ivolginsk.info/poseleniya/nizhneivolginskoe.html.

12. Randalov Y. B. The Rural Inhabitant's Desires to Migrate: Current Factors and Tendencies (based on Materials of Sociological Research in Buryat Republic) / Y. B. Randalov [and others]. – Ulan-Ude : BSC of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2005. – 165 p.

13. Sodnompilova M. M. Rural-Urban Migration in Buryatia: Formation of the Translocal Area // City and Village in the Post-Soviet Buryatia: Socioanthropological Essays. – Ulan-Ude : BSC of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2009. – P. 163–184.

14. The Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Ulan-Ude City up to 2027 [On-line resource]. – URL: http://www.ulan-udeeg.ru/tomorrow/razvit/.

Full text (russian)