ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

Список выпусков > Серия «Политология. Религиоведение». 2014. Том 7

Английская историография о попытках вступления Великобритании в ЕЭС

А. Е. Морозова

Статья посвящена вопросу вступления Великобритании в ЕЭС. Автор делает обзор англоязычной литературы, приводит мнения авторов о тех трудностях, с которыми стране пришлось столкнуться из-за разногласий в ее правящих кругах относительно участия в процессе европейской интеграции.

Ключевые слова
Европейское экономическое сообщество (ЕЭС), Великобритания, английская историография

1. Beloff M. The Intellectual in politics and other essay / M. Beloff. - Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, 1970. - 361 p.

2. Beloff M. Britain and European Community: dialogue of the deaf / M. Beloff. -Palgrave Macmillan, 1996 - 184 p.

3. Britain and European Community: the politics of semi-detachment / ed. by George S. - Oxford University Press, 1992. - 232 p.

4. Britain and European Integration since the Second World War. Documents in contemporary history / ed. by S.Greenwood. - Manchester University Press, 1997. - 224 p.

5. Conquest R. Toward an English speaking union / R. Conquest // National Interests. - 1999. - N 57. - Р. 64-70.

6. Dell E. The Schuman plan and the British abdication of leadership in Europe / E. Dell. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995. - 338 p.

7. Dorn L. The United Kingdom as an outsider to the EU - History, politics and ideological determinants/ L. Dorn, L. Dittmer. - GRIN Verlag, 2008. - 64 p.

8. George S. An Awkward partner: Britain and European Community / S. George. -Oxford University Press, 1998. - 308 p.

9. Gilbert M. Never Despair: Winston S. Churchill 1945-1965 / M. Gilbert. -Heinemann, 1988. - 1438 р.

10. Gowland D. Britain and European integration since 1945: on the sidelines / D. Gowland, A. Turner, A. Wright. - London : Routledge, 2000. - 312 p.

11. Greenwood S. Britain and European cooperation since 1945 / S. Greenwood. - Wiley Blackwell, 1992. - 128 p.

12. Harold Wilson and European integration. Britain's second application to join the EEC. / ed. by Oliver О. Daddow. - London : Frank Cass, 2005. - 318 p.

13. Heath E. The course of my life: My autobiography / E. Heath. - Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011. - 740 p.

14. Macmillan H. Tides of fortune: 1945-1955 / H. Macmillan. - New York : Harper and Row, 1969. - 729 p.

15. Mangold P. The almost impossible ally: Harold Macmillan and Charles de Gaulle / P. Mangold - I. B. Tauris, 2006. - 288 p.

16. May A. Britain and Europe since 1945 / A. May. - London : Routledge, 1998. - 160 p.

17. May A. Britain, the Commonwealth and Europe: the Commonwealth and Britain's application to join the European Community / A. May. - Palgrave Macmillan, 2001. - 210 p.

18. Parr H. Britain's policy toward the European community. Harold Wilson and Britain's world role, 1964-1967 / H. Parr. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2005. - 231 p.

19. Parr H. Saving the Community: The French response to Britain's second EEC application in 1967 / H. Parr // Journal of Cold War History. - 2006. - N 4(6). - P. 425-454.

20. Wallace. W. What Price Interdependence? Sovereignty and Interdependence in British Politics / W. Wallace // International Affairs. - 1986. - N 62(3). - P. 357-369.

21. Watts D. Britain in European Union Today / D. Watts, C. Pilkington. - Manches¬ter University Press, 2005. - 295 p.

22. Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches, 1897-1963: 1943-1949. Vol. 2 / ed. by James R. R. - Chelsea House Publishers / R. R. Bowker Company, 1974. - 8917 p.

23. Young J. Britain and European Unity, 1945-1992 / J. Young. - Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1993. - 229 p.

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