ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 50

The Idea of a National Super-task as the Basis of the Foreign Policy Course of Modern State Actors in International Relations

K. E. Kozhukhova
It is shown that in the conditions of the modern world order, characterized by the interdependence of all international political players, the national foreign policy course becomes one of the key factors determining the country's position in the international arena. It is understood that the foreign policy of the state proceeds from the self-perception of a place in the hierarchy of the system of international relations and the strengthening or elevation of state influence. The connection between understanding the position of an actor in the global political system and the realization of national interests and the preservation of a secure foreign policy environment, that is, ensuring national security, is revealed. The idea of a national super-task is considered as the basis for the formation and implementation of foreign policy strategies of modern state actors. It is revealed that any state, having a subject in world politics, is interested in promoting its power rhetoric and, as a result, in the optimal implementation of national interests. It is proved that the powers, whether great, regional or small, choose a certain model of foreign policy behavior and the mission of their foreign policy position, which is expressed in a national super-task. The features of the national super-task in the foreign policy of the United States of America, the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation as the most prominent representatives of states of different ethical and value systems that determine the state's position in the international arena are considered.
About the Authors
Kozhukhova Kira Evgenyevna, Candidate of Sciences (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, Moscow State Linguistic University, 38, Ostozhenka, Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation, e-mail: kira.kozhuhova@mail.ru
For citation

Kozhukhova K.E. The Idea of a National Super-task as the Basis of the Foreign Policy Course of Modern State Actors in International Relations. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 62-72. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.50.62 (in Russian)

international relations, foreign policy, foreign policy mentality, national identity, super task, mission.
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