ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

Editorial board

Editor-in-Chief: Yu. A. Zulуar  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk) .
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: A. E. Smirnov  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. of the Department of General Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk) .
Assistant Editor: R. Yu. Zulyar  –  Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk) .
Series Editorial Board:
O. D. Agapov – Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Disciplines, Faculty of Law, Kazan Innovation University named after V. G. Timiryasova (Kazan) ,
V. V. Alekseyev  –  Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof. (Ekaterinburg) ,
B. V. Bazarov  –  Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Chairman of Presidium of Buryat Scientific Center of SB RAS, Director of Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of SB RAS (Ulan-Ude) Researcher ID (WoS): AAR-5154-2020Scopus ID: 57198303655 ,
T. E. Beidina  –  Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Prof., Head of the Chair of  State and Municipal Administration and Politics of Transbaikal State University, Chairwoman of the Dissertation Council on defense of doctoral theses in «Political Institutions, processes and technologies» (Chita),
V. S. Glagolev  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. of the Chair of  Philosophy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) (Moscow), Researcher ID (WoS):G-5898-2016Scopus ID: 57203127149,
D. S. Damte – Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Assoc. Prof., Department of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after P. Lumumba (RUDN University) (Moscow), Scopus ID: 57206657201,   ,
V. G. Datsyshen  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Chair of World History of the Institute for the Humanities, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk), Scopus ID: 53983902800, ,
K. Demberel  –  PhD (Hist.), Leading Researcher (Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar) ,
O. I. Zaznaev - Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor, Head of the Political Science Department, Institute of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Mass Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan) ,
Yu. A. Zulуar  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk) ,
V. V. Ignatenko  –  Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., rector of the Baikal State University (Irkutsk) ,
V. N. Kazarin  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Department of National History, Institute of Culture, Social Communications and Information Technology, Baikal State University (Irkutsk) ,
A. D. Karnyshev  –  Dr. Sci. (Psych.), Prof., Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Social Sciences, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
L. M. Korytny  –  Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Prof., Deputy Director for Research of V.B. Sochava Geographical Institute of SB RAS (Irkutsk),Researcher ID (WoS): T-1861-2018Scopus ID: 6507294722,
M. Kopanja - PhD in Philosophy Sciences, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade (Serbia, Belgrade)  ,
A. A. Lazarevich  –  Cand. Sci. (Philos), Assoc. Prof., Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Belarus, Minsk) ,
V. A. Lazebny (Vadim)  –  Candidate of Theology, Metropolitan of Yaroslavl and Rostov (Rostov),
S. G. Luzyanin  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Deputy Director of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies of RAS, Director of the Center for East Asian and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow) ,
D. F. Mezentsev  –  Cand. Sci. (Psych.), Secretary General of  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Moscow),
A. V. Mikhalev  –  Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Theory and History of Law and State, Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude), Scopus ID: 57190817879,
E. Margineanu – PhD in Law, University Lecturer, Public Law Department, Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), (Republic of Moldova, Chisinau) ,
T. V. Naumenko  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Faculty of Global Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow),Researcher ID (WoS): S-2865-2016, Scopus ID: 57199858412,
I. V. Oleynikov  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
A. K. Pogasiy - Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Mass Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan),
N.M. Rakityanskiy  –  Dr. Sci. (Psychology.),Professor, Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow),
V. Rodkevich  –  PhD in Hist., Adjunct-Prof. of the the Centre for Eastern Studies of Warsaw University, Warsaw (Poland, Warszawa) ,
V. V. Rouvinski  –  PhD in Hist., Adjunct-Prof., Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of ICESI University (Columbia, Cali),
L. V. Savinov  –  Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Assoc. Prof., Dean of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administartion, RANEPA (Novosibirsk),Researcher ID (WoS): Q-7465-2016,
M. V. Silantyeva  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. of the Chair of Philosophy of International Law School, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) (Moscow),Researcher ID (WoS): G-8008-2016, Scopus ID: 57202090616, ,
V. V. Sinichenko  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, Baikal State University (Irkutsk) ,
A. E. Smirnov  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. of the Department of General Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk) ,
A. Stelmach  –  PhD (Polit.), Prof., Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland, Poznan),
A. V. Trofimov  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof. of the Chair of  General and Economic History of the Institute for the Humanities, Ural State Economic University (Ekaterinburg),
M. N. Fomina  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. of the Chair  of Philosophy of Transbaikal State University (Chita),
Yu. G. Chernyshov  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Chair of  World History and International Relations of Altai State University (Barnaul), Researcher ID (WoS): I-1137-2015, Scopus ID: 57195573676, ,
V. V. Chernykh  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Chair of Philosophy, Psychology, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk) ,
A. V. Shalak  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Chair of  Economic and Political Studies, Law Faculty of Baikal State University (Irkutsk) .

Series Expert Board:
B. E. Andyusev  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof. of the Chair of  Russian History of  Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University n.a. V.P. Astafyev (Krasnoyarsk),
E. N. Volosov  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.),  Dean, the Faculty of Transport Service of the Irkutsk branch of MSTUCA (Irkutsk),
L. I. Grigoryeva  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.),  Prof., Head of the Chair of  Religious Studies of  Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University n.a. V.P. Astafyev (Krasnoyarsk),
L. V. Zandanova  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Head of the Chair of  History and Methodology, Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
K. S. Zhukov  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Honorary Prof. of  Irkutsk State University, Head of the Laboratory of  Humanitarian and Political Technologies of Historical Faculty, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
L. V. Kalmina  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Leading Researcher at the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ulan-Ude),
D. V. Kozlov  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof. of the Chair of World History and  International Relations of Historical Faculty of Irkutsk State University, Academic Director of  Irkutsk Center for Advanced Studies and Education (Irkutsk),
N. S. Konoplev  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
D. Ya. Maidachevsky  –  Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof. of the Chair of  Economic and Political Science History, Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Irkutsk),
N. V. Malchukova  –  Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
L. N. Metelkina  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
V. P. Oltarzhevsky  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof. of the Chair of World History and International Relations of Historical Faculty, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
V. V. Pushkarev  –  Аrchpriest, Head of the Missionary Department of Irkutsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Theology of the Faculty of  Religious Studies and Theology, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
V. Yu. Rabinovich  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the  Chair of Advertising of the Faculty of Service and Advertising, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
M. L. Rybalko – Cand. Sci. (Hist.), PhD (Political Science), Assoc. Prof., Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
N. V. Savchuk  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Head of the  Chair of Social Sciences of Angarsk State Technical Academy (Angarsk),
E. N. Startsev  –  Director of the East-Siberian Orthodox Scientific and Educational Center at the Faculty of Religious Studies and Theology of Irkutsk State University, Senior Priest of the Church of Charalampus (Irkutsk),
V. V. Trufanova  –  Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Academic Adviser, Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk),
A. N. Fartyshev - Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Geo-Resource Studies and Political Geography V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS (Irkutsk),
L. N. Kharchenko  –  Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., the Department of Philosophy and History of Russia, Humanitarian Faculty, Rostov State Yniversity of Railway Engeneering (Rostov-on-Don).