ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2018. Vol. 23

Place and Role of Practice in the Differential Concept of a Subject

I. V. Shvets
The article analyzes the ontological and conceptual foundations of the differential concept of a subject. The ontological basis is the representation of being as coming into being and difference. The conceptual grounds include M. Heidegger’s existential analytics, the concept of singularity, the concept of virtual / actual. The author comes to a conclusion that 1) in the differential concept of the subject practice is equal to social existence. In this case the existence of the subject is something that is practiced with necessity and does not have in this sense another way of being, for example, in the form of a project or an opportunity. In this perspective a social subject is presented only in a singular act of his own realization, in specific acts of re-solution in the presence in accordance with his mobile differential and genetic conditions. 2. An open set of multiple social practices constitutes a social subject. The type and nature of these practices define, support and reproduce their corresponding type of subjectivity. Depending on whether the type and nature of practices are conserved or modified the subjective constitution of the individual, understood as a complex system of subjective perceptions, evaluations, drives, motives, types of reactions etc., will persist or change. The event of subject formation is the type of «tunnel junction» and the subject does not recognize it.
For citation:
Shvets I.V. Place and Role of Practice in the Differential Concept of a Subject. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies. 2018, vol. 23, pp. 7–14. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2018.23.7 (in Russian)
ontology, heterology, differential and genetic conditions, being, singularity, subject, actual and virtual, social practices

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