ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

Список выпусков > Серия «Политология. Религиоведение». 2013. Том 2.1

Роль массмедиа в современном обществе: теория «медийного недомогания»

Т. В. Кремень

Рассматриваются основные положения теории «медийного недомогания» определяются факторы, которые приводят к снижению уровня политического доверия в обществе и вызывают рост общественного цинизма.

Ключевые слова
массмедиа, политическая апатия общества, «медийное недомогание», информационный контент

1. Achille Y. Les televisions publiques en quete d'avenir / Y. Achille, J. I. Bueno. -Grenoble : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1994. - 290 p.

2. Videomalaise Revisited: Reconsidering the relation between the public's view of themedia and trust in government / S. E. Bennett, L. R. Staci, R. Flickinger, L. Bennett // The Harvard International Journal of Press. Politics. - 1999. - № 4(4). - P. 8-23.

3. Blumler J. G. Origins of the Crisis of Communication for Citizenship // Political Communication. - 1997. - № 14(4). - P. 395-404.

4. Cappella J. H. Spiral of Cynicism: The Press and the Public Good / J. H. Cap-pella. - N. Y. : Oxford University Press, 1997. - 315 p.

5. Crozier M. The Crisis of Democracy / M. Crozier, S. P. Huntington, J. Wata-nuki. - N. Y. : New York University Press, 1975. - 280 p.

6. Curtice J. Do the Media Matter? / J. Curtice, R. Schmitt-Beck, P. Schrott // Pa¬per presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-West Political Science Association. - Chicago, 1998. - P. 176.

7. Dahlgren P. Television and the Public Sphere / P. Dahlgren. - London : Sage, 1995. - 268 p.

8. Dautrich K. How the News Media Fail American Voters : Causes, Consequences and Remedies / K. Dautrich, T. H. Hartley. - N. Y. : Columbia University Press, 1999. - 340 p.

9. Entman R. Democracy without Citizens: Media and the Decay of American Politics / R. Entman. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1989. - 380 p.

10. Fallows J. Breaking the News / J. Fallows. - N. Y. : Pantheon Books, 1996. - 408 p.

11. Gabler N. Life the Movie / N. Gabler. - N. Y. : Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. - 340 p.

12. Hart R. Easy Citizenship : Television's Curious Legacy // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. - 1996. - Vol. 546. - P. 160-180.

13. Hill K. A. Cyberpolitics / K. A. Hill, J. E. Hughes. - N. Y. : Rowman and Little-field, 1998. - 440 p.

14. Holtz-Bacha C. Videomalaise Revisited : Media Exposure and Political Aliena-tionin West Germany // European Journal of Communication. - 1990. - № 5. - P. 73-85.

15. Jones N. Soundbites and Spin Doctors / N. Jones. - London : Cassell, 1995. - 260 p.

16. Lang K. The Mass Media and Voting / K. Lang, G. Lang // Reader in Public Opinion and Communication / eds. В. Berelson, M. Janowitz. - N. Y., 1966. - P. 128.

17. Murdoch G. Information Poverty and Political Inequality: Citizenship in the Age of Privatised Communications / G. Murdock, P. Golding // J. of Communication. - 1989. -№ 39. - P. 80-193.

18. Newton K. Politics and the News Media: Mobilisation or Videomalaise? // In British Social Attitudes : the 14th Report. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 1997. - 330 p.

19. Norris P. Television and Civic Malaise // What's Troubling the Trilateral Democracies / ed. by Susan J. Pharr and Robert D. Putnam. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2000. - 170 p.

20. Patterson T. E. Bad News, Bad Governance. In The Media and Politics // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. - 1996. - Vol. 546. - P. 143.

21. Postman N. Entertaining Ourselves to Death / N. Postman. - N. Y. : Viking, 1985. - 1993 p. - 208 p.

22. Putnam R. D. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community / R. D. Putnam. - N. Y. : Simon & Schuster,;2000. - 541 p.

23. Robinson M. J. Over the Wire and on TV: CBS and UPI in Campaign '80 / M. J. Robinson, M. A. Sheehan. - N. Y. : Russell Sage Foundation, 1983. - 140 p.

24. Schulz W. Media Change and the Political Effects of Television: Americanization of the Political Culture? / W. Schulz // Communications. - 1998. - № 23(4). - P. 527-543.

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