ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 50

The Role of the Geopolitical Factor in the Reception of Foreign Cultural Ideas in Chinese Culture

T. V. Romanenko
The article reveals the importance of the geopolitical factor in the process of reception of Christian ideas in Chinese culture. The author also made an attempt to objectively determine the role of the geopolitical factor in the reception of Christian ideas. A feature of the geopolitical factor in the process of reception of foreign cultural ideas is the desire of a particular culture, in our case Christianity, to expand its cultural and religious influence. In addition, the expansion of the reception process contributes to the expansion of the religious and cultural space, which ensures the further development of the recipient culture in many areas of both public and cultural life of society, i.e. the geopolitical factor acts as a factor of cultural innovation. The author focused on the signing of the Beijing and Tianjin Treaties because it legitimized, actualized and expanded the preaching of Christianity throughout the Chinese Empire. These treaties also served as conduits for the interests of European powers in the field of trade, the opening of ports for foreign ships, diplomatic relations, but also the delimitation of borders with the Russian Empire. The article shows that the signing of the Beijing and Tianjin treaties was a kind of “cultural register”, which showed the complexity and ambiguity of the reception process in various spheres of the host culture, as well as contributed to the rooting of Christian ideas in the religious and cultural space of China.
About the Authors
Romanenko Tatiana Vyacheslavovna, Postgraduate, Department of philosophy, Zabaikalsky State University, 30, Alexandro-Zavodskaya st., Chita, 672039, Russian Federation, e-mail: tasyaroman0991@mail.ru
For citation

Romanenko T.V. The Role of the Geopolitical Factor in the Reception of Foreign Cultural Ideas in Chinese Culture. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 151-158. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.50.151 (in Russian)

Beijing Treaty, Tianjin Treaty, geopolitical factor, reception of Christian ideas, Chinese culture, The Russian Empire, China’s religious and cultural space.
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