ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 50

BRICS: State, Problems and Prospects

A. A. Kerimov
The BRICS, which unites Brazil, Russia, India, China and the Republic of South Africa, and a number of countries, is an example of a new world order where developing countries seek greater influence in the international arena. Founded in 2006, this alliance arose in response to the desire to resist the dominance of Western powers, creating a platform for cooperation in the economic, political and cultural spheres. At the moment, the BRICS is demonstrating significant success in various areas of cooperation, but also faces serious challenges – internal contradictions between the participants and global economic instability. Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, the prospects for the BRICS look promising. With the expansion of the organization to include new States, it is becoming more influential in matters of global governance, economic recovery after the pandemic and the fight against climate change. BRICS appears to be a key player in shaping a multipolar world, where its participation in international politics and economics will become increasingly relevant in the foreseeable future.
About the Authors
Kerimov Alexander Aliyevich, Doctor of Sciences (Political Sciences), Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences B. N. Yeltsin Ural Federal University, 51, Lenin ave., Yekaterinburg, 620000, Russian Federation, Senior Researcher, Research and Innovation Services, South Ural State University (National Research University), 76, Lenin ave., Chelyabinsk,454080, Russian Federation, e-mail:kerimov68@mail.ru
For citation

Kerimov A.A. BRICS: State, Problems and Prospects. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 52-61. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.50.52 (in Russian)

BRICS, West, globalization, new world order, global governance, international relations.
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