ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2024. Vol 50

Political Identity and Institutionalization of Ethnicity in Certain Local Communities of Urban and Rural Spaces (Based on the Example of Kazakhs of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic)

A. D. Derendyaeva, D. A. Mikhalevskaya
The article presents and analyzes the results of a social study of political science orientation conducted by scientists and staff of the Altai State University in April-May 2024. This study was devoted to the study of the political identity of individual ethnic groups in urban and rural spaces. In addition, the influence of symbolic politics on local communities was analyzed. The main respondents of the study were representatives of the Kazakh ethnic group, namely residents of the “two Altais”: Altai Krai (Barnaul, Kirey village) and the Altai Republic (Gorno-Altaysk, Kosh-Agach village). The results obtained allowed us to conclude that rural Kazakhs are more involved in the political sphere of society. Among other forms of participation, the activities of ethnic public organizations, which are present in both regions, are of particular interest. For many Kazakhs, the level of trust in political institutions is associated with the processes of direct participation in political processes. It is also important that in the territories of the «two Altais» processes of institutionalization of ethnicity are taking place through the use of symbolic strategies and practices (celebration practices, issues concerning the national language, etc.).
About the Authors

Derendyaeva Anna Dmitrievna, Candidate of Science (History), Associate Professor, Department of General History and International Relations, Altai State University, 61, Lenin ave., Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation, e-mail: derendyaewa@yandex.ru

Mikhalevskaya Daria Andreevna, Senior Specialist in Educational and Methodological Work, Institute of Humanities Altai State University, 61, Lenin ave., Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation, e-mail: ms.mihalevskaya@mail.ru

For citation

Derendyaeva A.D., Mikhalevskaya D.A. Political Identity and Institutionalization of Ethnicity in Certain Local Communities of Urban and Rural Spaces (Based on the Example of Kazakhs of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic) . The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 16-25. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2024.50.16 (in Russian)

political identity of the local community, identity of urban space, identity of the rural environment, symbolic politics, institutionalization of ethnicity, Kazakhs of Altai.
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