ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2023. Vol 43

On the Foreign Policy Rhetoric of Hyper-Postmodernism

I. M. Tsibizova
Contemporary Western foreign policy rhetoric is defined as hyper-postmodern. The cliche “Putin's inflation” is shown as the result of the exclusion of the necessary logical link, flawed logic or its complete absence. At the same time, it is a “strong” metaphor used as a semiotic icon in ideological rhetoric conducted in a strictly controlled media space – knowledge of the laws of semantics and advertising is inherent in experienced behind-the-scenes puppeteers standing behind the backs of politicians who are rather illiterate in geopolitical terms. Thanks to the method of ascent from the particular to the general, from real facts, the model of a “democratic” state is reproduced in the Western view. The resulting surreal picture has nothing to do with the classical definition of democracy, reminiscent of the Third Reich or an ideal state from the point of view of ISIS. This rhetoric is not logical and not pragmatic, as it is based on the ideology of hyper-moralism (A. Grau) – hypertrophied morality, not moral, having no other basis than itself and based on the “rules” it establishes. This rhetoric deserves the name of hyper-postmodernist, because it is hypertrophied and, surpassing the present, is not aimed at the future. If hyper-moralism, by extolling “gender diversity”, calls into question the continuation of the human race, hyper-postmodern foreign policy rhetoric and its continuation policies not only destroy the economy, but also threaten the future of the planet.
About the Authors
Tsibizova Irina Mihaylovna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Researcher, Department of Philosophy, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS, 51/21, Nakhimovsky ave., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation, e-mail: itsibizova@mail.ru
For citation
Tsibizova I. M.  On the Foreign Policy Rhetoric of Hyper-Postmodernism. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2023, vol. 43, pp. 19-35. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2023.43.19 (in Russian)
EU, flawed logic, hypermoral, logic, logic chain, metaphor, philosophy, politics, Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA.
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