ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2020. Vol. 33

The Role of Institutes “for Nationalities” in Shaping and Implementing the Minority Nationalities Policy of the PRC

I. V. Stavrov

The article examines the authorities implementing the minority nationalities policies of the China’s leadership. It studies the role of the institutions for “nationalities” in shaping and implementing the minority nationalities policies of China. The author has provided an overview of the central (the Central Committee of the CPC, the commission of the NPC, NC CPPCC, the State Committee for Nationalities) and regional government authorities through which the minority nationalities policy is designed and implemented. The author has shown that contrary to the prevailing opinion, the government institutions not only enforce the CCP directives, but also develop and implement the ethno-national agenda. The author has come to the conclusion that several basic institutions function in the PRC on an ongoing basis, and their activities are designed to support self-governing bodies in the regions of national autonomy, to contribute to the progressive socio-economic development and preservation of traditional culture in areas inhabited by non-Han nationalities. Contrary to the popular belief, the role of these institutions is not “decorative”, but designed to create a perception of granting equal rights for small nations. Despite the fact that political issues are beyond their competence, they are actively involved in everyday work on the implementation of the minority nationalities policy of the PRC.

About the Authors

Stavrov Ivan Valerievich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Chinese Studies, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East FEB RAS, 89, Pushkinskaya st., Vladivostok, 690001, Russian Federation, e-mail: stavivan@yandex.ru

For citation

Stavrov I.V. The Role of Institutes “for Nationalities” in Shaping and Implementing the Minority Nationalities Policy of the PRC. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, 2020, vol. 33, pp. 101-107. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2020.33.101 (in Russian)

minority nationalities policy, China, CPC, political institutions, non-Han nationalities, protection of the rights of national minorities
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Full text (russian)