ISSN 2073-3380 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Political Science and Religion Studies». 2019. Vol. 27

Use of Modern Music in Liturgy of the Neo-Pentecostal Churches of Russia

Ju. G. Matushanskaya, V. V. Maksimov

The article deals with the phenomenon of the use of modern music in liturgy of neo-Pentecostal churches in Russia, which is relevant to understanding the specific character of religious consciousness of the society. The authors described the origin and conditions of appearance of the neo-Pentecostal communities in the former Soviet Union in 1990s, their connection with the second and third waves of the Western charismatic movement going back to traditional Pentecostalism on the one hand and to the movement Jesus People on the other hand. A brief review has been given to the history of application of modern, folk, popular music in the history of Protestantism; special attention has been paid to the styles of spiritual and gospel music widespread in "black" churches in the Southern States and to the rock-n-roll and the rock culture of 1960–1990s which affected liturgy in Western and later in Russian charismatic churches. The place and role of music in liturgy has been outlined. The process of assimilation of western models by the Russian communities has been examined, as well as developing a unique style and searching a suitable form corresponding to the Russian mentality.

About the Authors

Matushanskaya Julia Grigoryevna, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Religion Studies, Kazan Federal University, 18, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 4200008, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(843)2337109, e-mail: jgm2007@yandex.ru 

Maksimov Vadim Vyacheslavovich, Postgraduate Student, Department of Religion Studies, Kazan Federal University, 18, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 4200008, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(843)2337109, e-mail: vadimaksimov@inbox.ru

For citation

Matushanskaya Ju. G., Maksimov V. V. Use of Modern Music in Liturgy of the Neo-Pentecostal Churches of Russia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies. 2019, vol. 27, pp. 97-105. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3380.2019.27.97 (in Russian)

Pentecost, liturgy, charismatic movement, musical culture, gospel, spirituals, rock-n-roll, Christian rock
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